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Underwater Camera Rentals

Using the Amphibicam underwater housing for the Sony F900 HDCAM is the most practical way to capture superior quality underwater high definition 1080 x 1920 images at 1080P, 24p, 30p, or 60i.

This is a high-end system that we have used for theatrically released feature films, TV commercials, and blue chip documentaries including the BBC/Discovery “Planet Earth” series. Other cameras and housings can make excellent images, but when compared side-by-side with the Amphibicam’s images, the difference is stunning.


Amphibicam F900 HDCAM  

Want the best?

Underwater shooting with the Amphibico HDCAM housing provides many advantages over any other underwater motion picture acquisition system.

Unmatched optics- highest resolution optical system available for underwater HDCAM

Operator ergonomics – effortless control of Focus/Iris/Zoom by using thumb-wheels without the need to move hands from the grip handles.

Superior hydrodynamics – swims easier than any other HDCAM housing

Travel Ready – The complete housing, dome port, and viewfinder is packed in just two lightweight thermodyne cases.


Reliable & Fault tolerant – can be operated even with complete electronic motherboard failure

Location serviceable – complete disassembly with a few simple tools - spare parts available

Amphibico trained technician available.

High quality optics are the key:

An Achromatic doublet fabricated from high index acrylic provides superior color correction over the entire field of view at all magnifications.

A deep concave dome operating in conjunction with internal high index optics forms a flat image at the CCD image sensor. Distortion is corrected for at both near and distant objects framed at any focal length settings.

For more info on underwater HDcam - click here.